Hair After Quarantine


We all have experienced some version of “quarantine hair” within the last few weeks (even us stylists!) as salons have been closed across the country and the new normal is sweatsuit attire. We feel so grateful to be a part of a community that can laugh and be vulnerable together, especially during hard times like these. From the hilarious hair memes on social media to the #showyourroots selfies and #rootforus campaigns, we’ve loved connecting with everyone, clients and businesses alike, during this strange time. As time continues to move forward, we want to provide more information on what to expect when you return to the salon. What is hair like post quarantine?

As stylists, we’re eager to get back behind the chair and make some hair magic . Even though your roots may have grown back two inches, we can and will get you right back to where you were before quarantine! One of our favorite quotes that has came out of this time is by Dave Hollis, “In the rush to return to normal, use this time to consider which parts of normal are worth rushing back to.” This is the perfect time to take a moment and reflect on how quarantine has changed the way you think about your hair. Are you ready for a change? Did it bring you relief to worry less about the upkeep? If so, perhaps it’s time for a low-maintenance hair color. Did quarantine help get you past the dreaded growing out phases of your pixie cut? This could be the perfect time for a new chapter. We asked Parlor owner and Creative Director Gwenn LeMoine and Advanced Creative Stylist Liz Taillie to answer a few questions about different options when returning to the salon for your first visit back!

1. What would you recommend to a client that post quarantine no longer wants to dye their grey hair? What are their options?

Hair by Liz Taillie | Left photo is before, right photo is after

Hair by Liz Taillie | Left photo is before, right photo is after

Liz says, “There’s a couple ways to do this: 1. We can add lowlights to the regrowth (your roots) and simulate a more peppered grey, which will create a softer grow out 2. We can add highlights to your hair ends and lowlights to the roots to break up the stark contrast and bring the pepper up into the grey. 3. Leave out a grey streak and retouch the rest of the hair. 4. Or a larger undertaking would be to bleach the ends with previous color and tone to create “grey.” This could take more than one appointment, but once the achieved level of grey is reached there’s little maintenance moving forward.

Gwenn also says, “ With roots being instyle, you will get the most longevity from your hair color if you allow your roots to be darker than your ends…so as the roots grow in they will compliment the color of the ends rather than clash.”

2. Is it possible to use one's regrowth from quarantine and turn it into ombre?

Gwenn says, “With most of us having a longer outgrowth area (those pesky roots) due to not being able to visit the salon, it is a perfect time to transition into a lower maintenance color like ombre.  We can use varying techniques to blend your old color with the new rather than covering the new growth entirely. One key ingredient to doing this successfully is to stay within the same tonal family such as cool tones or warm tones throughout the length of the strand.”

3. If someone doesn't have a hard regrowth line, but their overall color is looking dull post quarantaine, what kind of appointment would you recommend for them to schedule?

Hair by Liz Taillie | An example of turning one’s regrowth into an ombre look.

Hair by Liz Taillie | An example of turning one’s regrowth into an ombre look.

Gwenn suggests if you have a balayage or ombre color that tends to last a long time between appointments, “a gloss or toner becomes a nice pick me up to stop in around 6 weeks after the original service for a "Preservation Gloss".  That said, I think by the time we get to meet again we will all be a hot mess and need more than a light gloss of color.  I think we will all be craving complete makeovers!”

Liz adds that for dull hair, “A shine treatment can be added onto any service, including a haircut. It adds shine, softness, can help tame frizz, and helps improve the condition of damaged hair. It lasts 20 washes and takes 5 minutes.”

4. What if someone has been lightening their hair and so now has a stark regrowth line and they want to go back to their natural roots, what sort of appointment would they need to schedule for that? 

Gwenn says, “If you’ve been lightening your hair and so now have a stark regrowth line and want to embrace more of their natural roots, well COVID19 has done you at least one favor! The longer the new growth becomes the quicker the transition can be. I would schedule a partial highlight and possibly additionally add a color in between some of the foils to help blend that hard line of demarcation.”

It’s important to note that all these recommendations are based off general inquiries, but before every appointment at the salon we do a one-on-one consultation.

5. What are you personally planning to do with your hair post-quarantine?

Liz says, “I’ve been playing with my hair during quarantine. Yesterday I put in highlights and will be cutting it this week. All of this has been giving me the itch to do my own hair and having a pixie requires a lot of maintenance. I hope all my short haired clients are dealing with the very awkward phase gracefully!”

Benefits Of A Routine Blow Out

Hair by Lindsay Chango

Hair by Lindsay Chango

Hair by Melissa Márquez

Hair by Melissa Márquez

Hair by Imari Dominick

Hair by Imari Dominick

It’s time to bust the myth that blow outs are just for special occasions. Their scope and benefits go so far beyond the feel-good hair you leave the salon with (though that is definitely a benefit not to be undervalued!). There’s been a long tradition for women and men to use salons as a nexus for culture and conversation, a gathering place to unwind, and an environment for community. Similar to coffee houses, salons are a social place to return. The power of a blow out is similar to the joy of a cup of coffee. Ritualistic and decadent. Aside from all of this, the benefit of blowouts go beyond the stylist chair, here’s the list on how:

  1. Time Management
    Think back to all the frustrating bad hair days you experienced (or barely avoided) this month. We will forever be indebted to high buns and bobby pins for saving us those days, but if you feel like you’re spending more days in ponytails than not due to running of time to style your hair, arm fatigue from holding the blow dryer (oh, we know the burn), or hair just isn’t your favorite thing to do, that’s when adding a blow dry to your routine can and will improve your mood AND save you time!

  2. Volume
    Bed head can either be chic or very flat. The beauty of a blow out is that the volume can last from anywhere between two to five days. That’s a big deal, especially for thin and flat hair folk. Why can't your air dry hair get the same volume as a blow out? It’s all about the heat and tension combo. Heat from the blow dryer and tension from the round brush.

  3. Avoid Frizz (& Breakage)

    You may also notice that after a blow out your hair cuticles are flat and smooth. When hair is air dried, the cuticle has a harder time laying flat and that’s how frizz is born. The more frizz you experience the more likely you’ll also experience breakage. If you need help avoiding both, a blow out will do the trick!

  4. Versatility In Style

    It feels good to have a routine and we’re creatures of habit, but blow outs can give you versatility in your style. One week, you may ask your stylist to blow dry it straight and smooth and the next blow out you may want beachy curls. It’s up to you and it’s much easier than learning a new technique at home.

  5. Play To Your Strengths

    We all have our personal expertise. Hair is ours! There’s no reason to lose sleep over styling your own hair the morning, and this way you don’t have to.

  6. Shampoo Less

    After your blow out, you won’t need to wash your hair for two to five days! It’s common among hair experts to recommend shampooing your hair only once a week because your natural oils build up and nourish your hair. If you’re still shampooing every day or find it difficult to manage oily hair, a blow out will help keep the hair full with volume (and mask the oils) and we can also pair you with the right beauty products to help the styling last longer.

  7. R&R
    At the end of the day, it feels good to sit back, zen out, and have great hair!

7 Beauty Resolutions That Don't Feel Out Of Reach


Resolutions are tricky to set, maintain, and achieve! We all know the drill: come mid-February (perhaps sooner!) old habits start to set in and that once clear-minded resolution feels like an impossible standard. The truth is resolutions can be meaningful without imposing unrealistic goals. We’re all about introducing more fun, more play into the daily routine. That’s why we’ve compiled seven beauty-related resolutions that will keep you feeling healthy, inspired, rejuvenated as needed, and the best part is that there’s no guilt if they don’t stick. We’re a big believer that small changes make big impact. Here’s some noteworthy beauty resolutions that can have a meaningful impact on your daily life:

  1. Hair Rituals

    There’s an endless list of rituals A-Z that we could list here, but like we mentioned above, this New Year for us at Parlor is about setting goals that are attainable and truth be told it’s difficult to incorporate lengthy new hair regimens into the mix! That’s why our hair ritual recommendation this year is pre-booking your hair appointments, not just one appointment in advance, but pre-book the next six months to a year. There are so many studies that support the idea that having standing appointments are a great way to improve consistency, and what habit is there better to build than the habit of self-care? We know. It’s hard to even make plans past this coming week, but the option to reschedule is always there! Your hair will thank you for it with its new found shine and health.

  2. Go Green With Beauty Products

    If you love to discover new products, think of this as the perfect resolution for you. It’s time to pick through your makeup bag with a magnifying lens and toss the products with chemicals. The best part of 2019 (and soon-to-be 2020) is that there are so many eco-friendly, healthy beauty products out there. Aveda is one of the leading beauty companies in this sector, so toss the old mascaras, lipsticks, and concealers and focus on a greener beauty routine.

    Tip: When reading the ingredients of your makeup, look out for these toxic ingredients: Imidazolidinyl Urea, Parabens, Phthalates, Triethanolamine, Polyethylene Glycols, Synthetic Colors, Synthetic Fragrances, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.

  3. Bye To Inflammation Inside & Out

    Inflammation is a topic that too often doesn’t come up in the self-care conversation. Inflammation is a way for our bodies to tell us when it’s irritated. Inflammation has so many causes, and if you experience pain from inflammation consult your doctor, but there are a few at-home steps you can take to reduce your exposure and likelihood of inflammation and boost your overall health, including: drinking celery juice, which is a natural anti-inflammatory, use mercury-free deodorants, incorporate more low-FODMAP foods into your diet, avoid drugstore hair products and lotions which have been linked to causing eczema and dermatitis, and start thinking of turmeric as your best friend and incorporate it into your daily tea or drink of choice.

  4. Meditate Regularly

    There are countless apps that have pre-recorded 5-minute meditations that are easy to take with you on the go! This is a great resolution for those of you working on wellness, mindfulness, and reducing feelings of anxiety. Our personal favorite meditation app is Headspace.

  5. Become A Humidifier Pro

    Hydration is key! That’s the anthem that we all hear over and over on beauty blogs and at the doctor’s office. The best way to increase hydration is the simplest, drinking water, but when it comes to keeping your skin hydrated, there’s another way. Here enters the humidifier! Our skin is constantly soaking up the humidity in the air around us, and so to kickstart your New Year with healthy skin, start plugging in that humidifier before you go to bed. Well-hydrated skin (and hydration in general) is one of the best, au natural ways to avoid breakouts, dry patches, and feel more energized.

  6. Spa Splurge

    The New Year might just be perfect time to give yourself an upgrade and invest in a monthly massage or acupuncture session. Time and again, spa treatments have proven their ability to reduce stress, inflammation, and improve blood circulation throughout the body. Sometimes all you need is the permission to treat yourself! Don’t forget to pre-book your appointments a few months out, so when the day and time for your spa day rolls around there’s no excuse to take that time for yourself.

  7. Uninterrupted Quiet

    In a world as busy as ours, finding time and ways to truly be alone, uninterrupted, and creative is a task in itself. One of our entrepreneur inspirations, Sara Blakely, in her latest Masterclass lesson highlighted the importance of finding the places (and times) when your mind is able to wander. As a Blakely puts it, a wandering mind is a creative mind, it’s a mind that’s ready to receive new ideas. Let’s make our final resolution of the New Year to seek out quiet moments to let our minds wander, receive new creative ideas, and have the courage to pursue them. Happy New Year from the Parlor team to you!

The Recipe To Waking Up Energized


If only there was a fool proof way to eliminate the morning dreariness, caffeine fixes, and “snooze” buttons. If we could all wake up feeling energized, then we could stop hailing coffee as liquid gold and cash in on feeling motivated, healthy, and well rested! That sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Even for those of us who are true night owls, with an average sleep time of 2:30am or later (via CNBC), the morning grind looks like it’s here to stay, and it’s time to learn some tips and tricks on how to ease the burden of early mornings and start embracing them.

1. No Blinds; Wake Up To Sunshine

Blackout curtains have a beauty about them when trying to fall asleep midday, but they’re not necessary if you’re falling asleep and waking up with the sun. In fact, having blinds that work too well can throw off your body’s natural sleep schedule. Our suggestion? For one week, open the shades when you go to bed so the morning sun can shine bright into you room. You’re body will wake up gradually with the natural light and this gradual awakening will leave you feeling more well-rested and ready to go for the day as compared to the alternative, jerk reaction your alarm creates. You won’t even have to think about hitting the snooze button!

2. Find Your Circadian Rhythm

Your Circadian Rhythm is your energy cycle. No matter how hard anyone tries to stay perfectly energized throughout the day, energy levels are made to fluctuate. Everyone’s internal clock is a little different. It’s common to feel a dip in energy after lunch, but dips in energy can happen at any point throughout the day. If you’re curious on how to maximize your energy, sleep experts say that taking note of your bodies natural energy pattern will allow you to plan ahead when organizing high energy activities and R&R time. Don’t beat yourself up if you energy is low for a few hours, it’ll spring back!

3. Citrus Breakfast

The most common citrus source when it comes to morning routines is lemon water, though all forms of citrus are a great way to boost energy levels in the morning. Citrus reduces the stress hormone norepinephrine. If you find yourself waking up and immediately worrying about your hectic day ahead, that can play a part in tiredness and lethargy. Citrus helps combat your stress and even increase your levels of serotonin, the happy hormone. Citrus is also great for stomach health and keeping your immune system intact - it’s a win, win.

4. Establish A Routine

Don’t overthink it! When people talk about routines, it can feel like a loaded topic. Inherently, routines are made to be broken because life is messy and never runs on a perfect schedule. That being said, routines are a way to feel motivated and start the day with intention. Most people have some kind of routine even if it’s not intentional. It can be as small as reading a short poem every morning or sitting on the couch to drink tea.

5. Hydrate First Thing

Staying hydrated is an easy thing to say, but sometimes a hard thing to do. Imagine a glass of water as the alarm clock for your body while your actual alarm clock wakes up your mind. One glass of water every morning kick starts a healthy flow of oxygen through your body, which keeps you alert and awake.

6. No Snooze Button

We can totally empathize with not wanting to get out of a warm, cozy bed, but the antithesis to an energized morning is the snooze button. We promise! The shut eye you’re seaking between alarms isn’t helping your long-term energy levels. The number one tip we can give is don’t plan on using your snooze button. Set your alarm clock to the actual time you want to get out of bed, so hitting snooze isn’t an option and you truly maximize your sleep time.

7. Make Your Bed

Complete this first small task everyday and it will set you up feeling accomplished and ready to take on more. What’s better at making you feel energized than motivation?