Books That Will Make You Rethink The Beauty Industry
Nowadays all it takes is a few scrolls on a phone to find inspiration for your next hair transformation, makeup rendez vous, and the motivation and guidance to achieve it all. Beauty bloggers, hair salons, and makeup artists from around the world are accessible with a simple tap on our smartphones, which is perfect when in search for a new updo or cut, but trust us when we say these books on beauty will change the way you think of "beauty" as a philosophy, as a routine, as everything.
Endless amounts of information outside of the Twitter-sphere exist on hair and makeup and the beauty industry as a whole, but it can be difficult to sift through the chaos and find that perfect read. Let's go beyond the 5-minute updo tutorial and get closer to the fundamentals of why it's fun to decorate our skin with eyeshadows and why cutting off a few inches of hair can spark confidence and feelings of renewal. We believe beauty is a cornerstone of self-expression, empowerment, and confidence! Read these five books and dig deeper into the history of the beauty industry, the ebb and flow of styles, and how to make your skin glow from the inside out.
Facepaint: The Story of Makeup by Lisa Eldridge
photo by @bea7507
This book is a tour de force. It chronicles the history of makeup and goes as far back as ancient times in order to showcase how body and face decoration is one of the oldest human practices. Author and make up artist Lisa Eldridge weaves her research of original makeup materials and practices with beautiful photography, which makes this book the perfect centerpiece on your bookshelf or coffee table. The $445 billion dollar beauty industry had to start somewhere and Eldridge leaves no questions unanswered.
Pretty Iconic by Sali Hughes
photo by @judgebymycovers
This gem of a book takes a look at pivotal beauty products throughout modern history, from Chanel No. 5 to MAC lipsticks. Each of the products outlined in Sali Hughes' book has influenced the conversation of beauty and has equally made small and big waves throughout our personal histories as well. It's easy to get wrapped up in Hughes' witty anecdotes of her personal bump-ins to these products, which helps give the book the perfect balance of story and fact.
An Atlas of Natural Beauty: by L'Officie Universelle Buly
photo by Penguin Books
The rise of organic, natural beauty products has helped make the world a little greener, and as an Aveda salon, we're all about sustainable beauty and protecting the earth we live on! So of course this book made it onto our list. This all-natural beauty guide harkens back to old school recipe books with carefully laid out instructions on how to make your own skincare and makeup out of the fruits, seeds, and plants in your backyard (or more likely, at the grocery store!). Apricots, passion fruit, peonies, and more. It will blow your mind.
Hair: Fashion and Fantasy by Laurent Philippon
Hair meets fashion in this stunning collection of photographs that celebrate hair as art. The book is a collection of rare and archival photos from some of the world's most renowned fashion and beauty photographers paired with commentary and insight from style icons such as Dita Von Teese and hair stylists like Nicole Tucker (Alicia Keys's hairstylist!).
Eat Beautiful: Nourish Your Skin from the Inside Out by Wendy Rowe
photo by Bikinis and Passports
The skin is the largest organ and our makeup canvas! This book Eat Beautiful by Wendy Rowe is a hybrid beauty-recipe book that talks about the connection between eating healthy and having clearer skin. We've heard this motto time and time again, but Rowe with her 20 years of experience as a makeup guru makes it accessible, timeless, and sweet.